PL/SQL variable declaration always specifies the variable name, data type of variable and size. In PL/SQL variable declaration you can also specifies initial value of declared variables.
Variable Declaration Syntax
The general syntax to declare a variable is:variable_name Datatype[Size] [NOT NULL] := [ value ];
Explanation:- variable_name is the predefined name of the variable.
- Data type is a valid PL/SQL data type.
- Size is an optional specification of data type size to hold the maximum size value.
- NOT NULL is an optional specification of the variable value can't be accept NULL.
- value is also an optional specification, where you can initialize the initial value of variable.
- Each variable declaration is terminated by a semicolon.
Variable Declaration Example
In this example variable defining employee number (eno) is NOT NULL(compulsory), employee name and initializing initial value to a variable,Example Code:
eno number(5) NOT NULL := 2 -- NOT NULL (value can't be blank), Assign initial value
ename varchar2(15) := 'Branson Devs'; -- intialize value at the time of declaration
dbms_output.put_line('Declared Value:');
dbms_output.put_line(' Employee Number: ' || eno || ' Employee Name: ' || ename);
Backward slash '/' indicates to execute the above PL/SQL Program.Example Result :
Declared Value:
Employee Number: 2 Employee Name: Branson Devs
Employee Number: 2 Employee Name: Branson Devs
PL/SQL Placeholders
Placeholders are any of variables, constants or records to store temporary in storage area. Later you can use it to manipulate data during the execution of a PL/SQL block. You can define placeholders with the name and data type. Here are some data types to define placeholders.NUMBER(p,s), NUMBER(n), CHAR, VARCHAR2, DATE, LONG, LONG RAW, BLOB, CBLOB, BFILE
Variables Scope
PL/SQL variable scope is identified the region range which you can reference the variable. PL/SQL have two type scopes local scope and global scope,Local variables - Variables declared in inner block and can't be referenced by the outside blocks. Global variables - Where as variables declared in a outer block and can be referencing by itself in inner blocks.
Variable Scope Example
In this example declaration two variables (num1 and num2) are in the outer block (Global variable) and another one third variable declared (num_addition) into the inner block (local variable). Variable 'num_addition' declared inner block so can't access in the outer block. But num1 and num2 can be accessed anywhere in the block.Example Code:
num1 number := 10;
num2 number := 20;
num_addition number;
num_addition := num1 + num2;
dbms_output.put_line('Addition is: ' || num_addition);
END; -- End of access num_addition variable
Example Result :
Addition is: 30
Variable Scope Identifier (OUTER keyword)
This example is also showing a difference between inner block and outer block variable scope. You can use OUTER keyword to access outer block variable inside the inner block. It's called global qualified name space.Example Code:
num number := 10;
num number := 10;
IF num = OUTER.num THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Both are same value');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Different value');
END; -- End of scope to access num variable
Example Result :
Both are same value
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